Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Goddess of forever green

she walked the face of the earth looking and searching 
she tried again and again 
to inform them to tell them
but they were ignorant
they were blinded by their own egos 
some knew, some understood 
but none, none truly believed 
and with that surrendered 

Digital sketching 
Ipad Pro

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


I saw no lines or scribbles
I saw no shapes of bright colors
there was no identification, no indication

there was only Contrast

Nikon photography

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Confusing ads... what the hell were they thinking!

                As the four fathers of advertising discuss and study the very means that create the main aspect of advertising and its evolution with the passage of time, I find myself stuck in between commercial arts and contemporary arts. Though I know in a lot of time commercial arts follows contemporary arts in a later precision as in pop culture. To that my journey in between the blurry lines of the alternative arts and their superiors, hold me captive to the infatuation of visual abilities. 

We can see! Humans are visionaries. Our eyesight is our best liberator. We are in constant evolution and to that, we ask of newer perceptions with deeper knowledge. Only to create the fabric of our reality. Albert Lasker, one of the fathers of advertising, understood this notion and worked around it. His ads contrived his audience’s existences and turned their perceptions into unspoken reflections. That being said I try to apply the same type of thinking in my work. 

Commodities have become people! Commodities are no longer an object of a certain function, we’ve become so emotionally involved with them. We currently live in world of constant competition and that is why creating new products can be a goldmine. If and ONLY if it was graphically correct!

Disposable Everything! Became a revolutionary market after Albert Lasker created “Kleenex tissues.” Not only did he create a product that makes people’s life easier but also, he opened up a whole new market of products to an over-utilized target audience (housewives). 

In this work, I think It is curial for me to focus on locality so it can be reachable or familiar. I think most of our graphics are missing the cultural aspects that should be prioritized. My main concern revolves around defining the target audience and their psychology. I find most of my clients confusing their ads and their graphics when they don’t have a distinct audience. This is when I step in with the challenge of rebranding and relifting existing brands. Most businesses nowadays understand the importance of visual graphics but failure to create a unique selling property with a coherent concept. 

Here is an example! 

Khalde main road

Khalde main road

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Senior Project: Second-Hand Memories Class of 2018 AUB

I feel like a stranger to my project. It doesn't look the way I expected it look like. Which might be a good thing. I guess if one is trying to abstract him or herself from the project it would definitely look nothing like expected.

The photographic paradox. What does the photograph transmit? the scene, the literal reality.  What is the nature of the relationship between reality/the object and its image?  from object to image there is reduction but not transformation   From The Photographic Message by Roland Barthes

No necessity to set up a code between object and image.   The image is a perfect analogon. The photographic message is a message without a code, is a continuous message.   From The Photographic Message by Roland Barthes

They are facts   And the analog becomes an object by itself

Reversing the process future to past. Or past to future. Do these analogs live in the present?  They live in my present!

Vintage images are on sale.  - Show me!  - I have a whole album of images of children in the scouts. And images of people’s weddings or birthdays. Whatever you want I can get.  - What a strange thing to… to buy someone else’s memories. 

We make sense of visual phenomena in a number of ways, resemblance, cause and effects, convention, signification From Signs Symbols Semiotics

One that doesn't hide behind what he or she intended the work to become but instead lets the piece be what it wants to be.

Maps! My thought turned into maps or questions with no particular answers.

When these analogs become an object, a commodity of a value and a currency with an exchange rate. One analog is equal 1000 LBP while ten analogs are equal 8000 LBP.

They were once owned by someone. They belonged to people! And now they are owned by me! I went to the market and bought some Second-hand memories!

The independent analog. It stands alone, texture curves, color coat or even kind of photo paper. It forms its own black and white scale.

Evoked memories, stories, and events. My stories? Was a wander? Or a family man? Or a local photo studio? Or am I a ghost?

The analogs were my windows.  From these windows, I saw worlds and to these, I wrote stories.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

TraLaLa Land

it's a land where trees come from the sky and land on the ground

people live a round and round

TraLaLa Land is a world of different reality