Monday, March 9, 2015

Queen of Hearts

This afternoon I had the inspiration to create
my own personalised poker card representation of the queen of hearts.

So here is what I did

Preparing the files:
  1. Take the time to choose an appropriate poker card that represents you
  2. Pick an interesting picture of yourself (choose something that reflects your inner feelings.)
  3. Do a bit of research to see the different representations of the poker card's symbols
Photoshop work:
  1. Start by doing a bit of editing to your picture: removing background, cleaning edges, fixing the levels 
    1. Save your image as ".png" and open a new file 
    2. Set the size (something rectangular) choose any of the following types depending on what you prefer: 
      1. RGB (for internet use)
      2. CMYK (for printing)
    3. Insert your image
    4. Using the "eraser tool"(e) erase part of your image side ways 
    5. Duplicate your image (alt. drag) and turn it upside down (⌘ T. and turn the mouse)
    6. Download some particular pattern that you like
    7. Manipulate it's colours to form the colours scale intended
    8. Place the pattern under your picture
    9. Save your picture as .jpg and keep a .psd copy in your files

    Illustrator work:
    1. Open a new page.
    2. Drag your edited image to illustrator and embed it
    3. Draw a round edge rectangle around the image
    4. Right click > send to front
    5. Select all (⌘+A)
    6. Right click > select "make clipping mask"
    7. Select the round edge tool again and click once anywhere on your page > click ok
    8. Thicker the border of the new shape as much as you prefer
    9. Select the round edge tool one last time and click once anywhere on your page > click ok
    10. Hold down alt+shift and drag with your mouse to enlarge the shape to form the card borders 
    11. Type several "Qs" letters and choose your font
    12. Draw the poker symbol or download one from any free vector website. (supporting websites bellow)
    13. Put your "Qs" above the poker symbol and group them
    14. Place them on the two opposite sides of your card 
    15. Select the card shape > go to effects > stylised > drop shadow

    Supporting websites: > for free vector downloads > for free font downloads

    and there you go!
    you have your own personalised poker card
    leave me your comments and tell me what u think of this idea
    Peace and Love 

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