Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Doodling on a Wooden Box

empty wooden boxes can be bough from any stationary shop 
just make sure u pick a nice size, easy to paint on

after choosing my perfect wooden box size and depth 
i took my time doodling on the surface of the box with an average ink felt pen

after my flower doodles were done and finished 
I took my time to paint all over the box with a dark pink colour 
and when the paint was dried up and done 
I painted all over the box glossy varnish to give it a nice smith texture 

hope you liked my little project
enjoy customising your personal little box 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Experimenting On Little Art Monsters: Experiment 2

Today I asked my little art monsters to express their feeling through finger painting 
and oh how much feeling I got!!
after i explained to them all about the colour theory and how we can mix colours to get more colours 
they had the freedom to colour as they please using only the primary colours (yellow, red, blue)
and so the results are epic expression of childhood passions.

By: Hind

By: Tarek
 he expressed his disappointment in not being able to operate freely in his fingers 
opposite to what this experiment was meant to do 

 By: Sedra 
she was just having fun! 

By: Shahed and Moemen

By: Wissam
wissam kept complaining about being lost and not having a unified image of what the painting would look like

By: Nour
she painted a vase of flowers, clear and direct picture of venture for the ideal image of a painting

By: Rouba
her painting revolved around a blurry face

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Experimenting On Little Art Monsters: Experiment 1

Today was my first day in my teaching experience 
and oh how fun it was
I asked my little monsters to experiment with charcoal all over a empty paper 
after a series of lines and shades and awkward shapes of lost navigation,
 I asked them to try to sketch an imaginary landscape of hills and trees 
and here is what I got

The understanding that ever hand stroke of charcoal shows slitty differently than the one before was a bit of a challenge. Moreover, the real hard part was making them understand the difference in the tray values and how it should be present to show depth perception 

after doing group critiquing for our work 
they final understood the difference in the values and the importance to show depth in ones drawing and avoiding flatness 

then we took time to sketch single trees portrait  
and a great improvement was obviously shown
the values were contrasting and clear 
were as the brush stroke were steady and sharp

and after all this hard work why not end the day with a class photo 

Occupational Hazards

digital art 